Monday, November 11, 2013


Yep…..I may not be exactly the same as I was before all of this happened to me….I may have some lingering residual damage for the rest of my life for all I know….

….but it didn't beat me.  I kept standing back up.  I'll keep standing back up. 

You ladies keep doing it, too.  I promise the day will come when you don't fall down anymore.  


  1. Hi my name is Mary, I have two lil girls 4 and 2. I had the mirena inserted when my youngest was 6wks. last aug when hit the 1yr mark of having the merina i started having pain in my lower left abdomen and vision problems. On sept 6th i was in the ER with pain, nausea, vision problems heart palpitations and rushes. they sent me home with after doing an untrasound to check the merina to see if it was positioned right and it was. each day after that gt worse n worse. on sept 10th i started shaking uncontrollable, my one pupil was much larger then the other,i was nauseous and sweating, my jaw was so tight i couldnt talk and if i tried i would bite my tongue, i had numbness in my hands and feet,i was unable to walk by myself, i was urinating full bladder fulls every couple mins... My husband took me to the ER again and they did catscans of my head and my abdomen but they showed nothing. It was sooooo horrible!! I was sure i was dying! Things continued like this for the next 2wks til my friend looked up Mirena symptoms. I asked my OBGYN and he said "No there's no way its that" so i removed it myself the end of sept. That night i had the worst attack iv ever had. It lasted 6hrs of constant shaking ect... and took days to recover. I started taking nutritional supplements and slowly started getting better with attacks farther apart. by Christmas i was feeling pretty good and was sooo thankful! But in the beginning of March i relapsed. All the same symptoms fuul force! So i went online and Found YOU! You and Dr J. I did the big detox. i had a huge attack about half way thru so i backed off and took less per day. And i soon as i did that i felt amazing! I got my life Back! I was 100% till end of June when i relapse again but not nearly as bad.I took the 2wk detox and and went back to 100%. currently i take 4 cleanse pills twice a day. I feel perfect during the day but around 9pm i start feeling fragile so i usually go to bed before 10pm. But i can live with that!:) I want to THANK YOU! You have helped me so much! one time after coming home from the ER in March i read one of your post and just cried because i knew exactly how you were feeling! You help me realize that im not crazy! And that i was going to get better! And you led me to Dr J who is awesome! Anyway writing is so not my thing but i wanted you to hear my story and hopeful encourage you too.

  2. Hello. Reading all the stories about the mirena crash has made me realize I am not alone with the side effects I endured. I feel that no one understand what I went through and think I am crazy. I am going to a endocrinologist next week to discuss my issue that I am still dealing with. The mirena caused me to have the worst anxiety and depression I ever experienced. It paralyZed me from being able to work, take care of my son and walk. I was so dizzy and had the worst migraines. I had random pains through out my body. The cramps I had felt like I was going through labor. I had a hard time talking, reading and walking. I wanted to die but from reading these blogs gave me hope. I feel much better six months later. Krystyna

    1. Were you having joint and tendon pains?

    2. Hello, I am still on the mirena. I went through a heavy bout of depression, enxiety attacks, dizzy spells etc and had to take "happy pills" and go through councelling to at least cope. I then suffered with seizures that could not be attributed to anything as every test in the book came out normal. All of this started after having the mirena inserted and in my mind I always wondered if there wasn't a link at all. I asked all my doctors if that was a possibility and they looked at me as if it was it in fact laughable that I would even think of it. After reading what everyone has written, I feel somewhat liberated. Have you heard of anyone whose life has gone back to normal after having it removed as I am considering going back to the Dr and insisting that he remove it?

  3. Want to know more about the detox. Had the Mirena twice. First one moved. After only a few months with the second had it removed also. Can someone tell me more about the detox. I think I need to do this. Currently seeing an endo....low vitamin d....hashimoto's....I guess there could be more to discover.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have had the Marina for 5 months now and have joint pain and feel like I am coming down with the flu at night. I ache all over. I am having the Marina removed today in hope that all this will go away as I feel like a 90 yr old woman and only 48.

    2. Hi there, when you say you feel like fluish at night is that because you're always hot? I feel Sooooo hot all the time and I'm only 36, mine is coming out tomorrow. It's been there over 5 years but I feel like a moody cow for three weeks out of4.

  5. Thank you so much for this! I am just so scared of never getting back to some form of normality and would appreciate it if someone could tell me this - is there hope after being through the madness?

    1. I am having the Marina removed today after 5 months. I have traveling joint pain and body aches. It is progressively getting worse and I feel like a 90 yr old woman and I am 48. I just want to cry sometimes. So elimination is the best process.

  6. Did any of u have a good run with the mirena? Mine crash happened after removal.

    1. I had mirena for 5 years & I never had any problems at all. So I thought. I developed vertigo & more anxiety than ever but I have GAD so I jus figured it was that. I jus had it removed 4 dayz ago & I read all about the "mirena crash" & figured I escaped it. Til 2day, im bleeding so bad & feel so weak I consider goin 2 the er. But my dr. Said its normal. I had periods all 5 years like clockwork so I didn't think I would go thru this. Sad 2 say but I prob wont be gettin it again. Cant wait 2 feel better

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. My name is Jackie...and I am so happy that I found this blog. I can relate to what you all are saying about your experience with mirena. I to had bad side effects...brain fog, lower abdominal pain that shot down my leg, confusion, headaches that would stop me in my tracks and cause me to grab and squeeze my head, I couldn't concenstrate in school, my mentalmental, emotional and psychological health changed DRASTICALLY..I thought that I was losing my mind....I sufferex from depression, anxiety, ...I lost all of my friends...people think that I am crazy.....Mirena destroyed my life. I had my mirena in for 5 1/2 years...2007-2013. Numbness in my hand and feet. I couldn't remember nothing. I got my mirena removed 1/4/'s a little over a year later...I still suffer from numbness, my headaches are much less, but whe they come they are still very painful, my memory is slowly coming back, I hope I gain my concentration back because I was in school for my RN.
    I WANT ME BACK....but this experience has changed also has brought me closer to God...I drove people out of my, caused people alot of pain including myself....I do hope that one day I can mend all fences...but I fear that they want believe just how much this Mirena was the cause of my break down. God Bless You All..

    1. Are you doing better now in 2022?

  9. People please report:

  10. Here also:

  11. Hi, i am in desperate need of answers. I finally got the IUD taken out 5 days ago. I have been worried about silicone toxicity because i am still breastfeeding my almost 3 year old. What would it do to her? Please somebody let me know.
    I have called 3 places asking about silicone poisoning tests and they are all clueless of what im asking.
    I am so worried.

  12. I am doing a documentary film on the side effects of Mirena. I am hoping that in bringing these side effects to light it will help other women from going through the suffering that you and so many others have. I too, am a Mirena survivor... If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing your story contact me via email at Thank you, Kathryn

  13. So I've read a lot of blogs and forums but can't find an answer. I had the mirena put 6 weeks after my first baby. Everything was great for about a year. Then I started getting lower abdominal pain. I get a stabbing pain when I am physical, running or long walks. And when I'm resting it just feels a little uncomfortable. This is my only symptom. A had the mirena removed last week but still have the pain. Any idea how long it will take to go away, if ever?

  14. Hi there, I'm Lindsey! I was reading through your blog and had a question. I would love to speak with you more. Please email me when you have a chance, lindsey(dot)caldwell(at)recallcenter(dot)com - thanks so much!!

    1. Hey Lindsey, I was wondering if you ever got in contact with Kristi? I have tried emailing a couple times and haven't had any luck which hopefully means she is BETTER!!! That would be fantastic! I am going through something very similar as to what Kristi is going through and i have followed her blog now for the last 10 months. I know they have a Facebook ban the mirena IUD where all women who are going through this horrific mirena nightmare can chat with one another if you were interested in that. I unfortunately do not have Facebook so i have not been able to chat with all the women who are going through the same thing we are. Good luck with your road to recovery!

  15. I'm so glad to have found this site. I think most of us are looking for answers to those "something's just not right" questions. I've had mirena consistently for 8 years; with one change at the five year mark. Before that, I was on depo for 5- yes, 5 Yeats before one doctor finally said that i was on it 3 years too long... That's when mirena was placed. I had this pulled on 7/17. Had some nasty flu-like side effects over the weekend, but this "brain fog" has lifted. I can't explain it, but reading more about others sharing the same feeling I know it exists. I do have severe allergies; hives, rashes, respiratory problems, anaphylaxis. I never had this growing up, but now I do. I can't correlate the problems, but the mirena is the only common

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I know that this post is months old, but I wanted to comment to those that may or may not have returned to the site looking for answers.

    I found Kristi's blog back in early 2012. I had gotten my Mirena removed at the beginning of the year and experienced what many now call the "crash". I did not receive any answers or help from my OB and so searching online brought me to this website and gave me insight into all of the women who had the exact same symptoms as I had while Mirena was still in place. I was overwhelmed at how similar our stories/symptoms were. It was like a floodgate opened. I was just looking for ways to cope with mood swings post-Mirena removal. What I got was my list of symptoms, almost verbatim, for that past year, and I was dumbfounded.

    My experience with Mirena is still something that frustrates me. After reading the experiences of others, I see that I am very blessed, very thankful for the overall outcome. I had Mirena from 2005-2010, placed six weeks after my second daughter. I didn't "appear" to have any major issues with Mirena, so when the time came for a new one, I had a second one placed in December of 2010. At that time I was told that I had several cysts on my ovaries as a result of Mirena, which I knew could happen. My experience with my second Mirena was completely unlike my first. Immediately, starting from placement in the office, my symptoms were different. I spent the entire year of 2011 in the worst physical health of my life and was always told it had nothing to do with Mirena. I have never been diagnosed with so much as a twitch in my life and I was scared beyond anything I have ever experienced before. Never have a broken a bone. And yet I felt as if I was being treated like I was crazy...that I was making up my symptoms because there wasn't any test they were running that showed anything abnormal.

    This is a really long story cut short for this post, but I eventually got the second Mirena removed, experienced the "crash" within a month of removal, and have recovered since. Still, to this day, no doctor will believe that the Mirena caused my symptoms. I understand that there isn't a study to link the symptoms to the Mirena at this point. I am a rational person. I get where the doctors are coming from. Yet, I also know what I experienced and lived with for a year. This is what frustrates me. In a day and age where doctors are supposed to advocate for their patients, I am beyond frustrated that I feel annoyed bringing up my experience with Mirena because I already know that I won't be listened to. Every year, when I go to the OB, and they bring up birth control options at my annual appointments, I tell them I don't want to have anything to do with IUDs or the pill, or any type of hornonal birth control. When they ask why, I often simply state that my experience with Mirena was not a good one, that I had horrible side effects and mood swings and they immediately tell me that it couldn't possibly be the Mirena....and then continue to plug the drug. This is when I just let them ramble because I just don't have the time or patience to hash it out with them. They just don't listen.

    1. How are you doing today in 2022?

  18. All this to say, I have gotten used to being my own advocate and learned that a doctor does not always know best. They have a lot of experience and training, yes, but they are also human and cannot possibly know my body the way that I know it. I believe that doctors need to take more time to understand their patients versus trying to push certain procedures and drugs that they don't fully understand. Or won't admit that they need to learn more about, just like in any profession. We may never have a doctor who listens to our story about Mirena. We may never have someone tell us in the OB office that they believe our symptoms are linked to Mirena. I have had to move past that, unfortunately, and not trust my doctor before I trust my own gut instincts.

    I am thankful that I no longer have any side effects from having Mirena for over 6 years. About 2 years after having Mirena removed, my husband and I found out that we were going to have a third child. He is due any day now, actually, and this has been my best pregnancy out of all three pregnancies I've had. For many, I know that this is not the case, but for me, I have not had ongoing side effects. I experienced the abnormal symptoms while on Mirena for approximately a year, the post-Mirena crash, and then my body was able to recover. For this, I am thankful. I am about to give birth to a son, I am working as a teacher (a job that I adore) and life is really, really good. Mirena does not necessarily mean that things won't ever get better.

    I know that some have lingering effects from Mirena years later, and that sucks. It just plain sucks. I am deeply saddened by anyone who has gone through this, as most suffer without understanding from those around them, including doctors and those who are supposed to be helping. I was encouraged by this blog and readers/posters when I was looking for answers because I realized that I wasn't imagining my symptoms. I wasn't crazy. But I have had to come to the realization that this is a suffering that I've had to come to grips with on my own, as only other women who have gone through this truly understand and care to understand.

    I hope you all find healing.

  19. I had the Mirena for almost 5 years and had it removed August 2013. Two weeks later my body started to fall apart. I had no idea what was happening and was so scared. I had intestinal spasms all of a sudden, major brain fog, disorientation, dizziness, numbness, joint pain, back pain, vision problems, burning mouth, constant indigestion, chest pain and the list goes on. I went to my dr and she ran tons of lab work which came back normal except my liver enzymes were increased. I had an MRI done, cat scans, ultrasounds and everything came back normal. All the drs thought I was crazy. I told them this all started happening after I had the Mirena removed. So I started doing my own research and found kristi's blog who mentioned Dr. J helping her. I emailed him right away and he called me the next day telling me I was NOT crazy that the Mirena did this to me. I was in tears....finally, a Dr. Who believed me and was going to help me. I've done two detoxes and continue to take care of my body better than I ever have in my life. Though I am much better than I was a year ago I still have burning mouth syndrome, daily eye floaters, occasional brain fog, and mid cycle joint pain. I also feel like there is a constant vibration in my head and extremities from my nervous system being shot from having no progesterone. Progesterone helps keep the nerves calm and when you have none your nervous system goes crazy. So I continue to take progesterone pellets and B12 supplements and pray that one day I will be back to normal. This is just a short version of my post Mirena nightmare but I wanted those going through this to know that you are not alone and you are NOT crazy. Keep fighting for your health! God Bless!

    1. How are you doing now in 2022?

  20. PLEASE... WHO DOES THE SILICONE TEST? I've been suffering for years all the same issues with no definitive answers. I'm always in some kind of pain. Please, if anyone knows how and where to get the test done, please email me:
    Unilab does not do it apparently. The Jenkins kinesiologist doesn't know either.
    Thank you,

    1. Please let me know if you've found out Heather. I am located in Chicago. I can't find any silicone testing anywhere in the US and its so frustrating.

  21. Laura,
    Can I ask you about the progesterone pellets you are it another type of synthetic hormone like the Mirena has in it?
    I've been researching trying a "health food" store progesterone supplement because I'm so desperate to feel normal again! I had my Mirena removed Dec 5th after having it for almost 6yrs. I never had a problem with it while it was in but the removal has been horrible! Praying for an end to this!

  22. Laura,
    I am so sad to learn of your story and I am wondering how you are doing as of now. I just starting looking at Mirena and Silicone Toxcity and was astonished at the findings. There are so many women with symptoms like mine. I had Mirena put in 6 months ago. In the last 5 months I haven't felt like myself at all. I started having tingling and numbness in my feet. Then it went to my hands. I have muscle cramps, feel weak, short term memory loss, foggy head and anxiety. I have been recently diagnosed with neuropathy!! I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old. I was healthy before all this. I am so confused. I called Dr. Jennings office and they do not know of a lab that does silicone testing anymore. So frustrating! I am wondering if you know where I can get a silicone blood test as of today? I am having a lot of trouble finding information and I'm so overwhelmed. Thought I'd ask someone who has experience with the subject. I really need help. Thank you.

  23. Thank you for making this blog and sharing your story. You just saved me from getting the Mirena. If you had helped even one person, sharing your story would have been worth it, but you have helped countless women. Thank you so much.

  24. The Mirena caused horrible abdomanal pain fore at first with a period for three months followed by mood swings where a year later, I started becoming anxious and depressed. I pulled it out myself because doctors begged to differ. I had the mirena crash and slipped into severe depression. I was so numb inside, no emotion, no heart, I had to go to a therapeutic clinic where they put me on anti depressants... By the way, made me worse with adverse affect. One year and a baby later, I am still battling the hormonal battle where I had to take a plan B pill from a hiccup and found out it is the same medicine that's in the mirena, so I'm back to square one.

  25. I feel for you. Post Mirena Hell and after the Mirena Crash, I've now developed Fibromyalgia. Is there a link? I know what I think but I'm not sure it will ever be proven.

  26. The hospital did it for me. Ask the hospital. Although I didn't have it I just needed to do the cleanse.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Only Stem Cell Therapy for MS will get you back healthy again

  29. I have always been on a copper T iud for 20 years. Changed to Mirena 2 years ago. Battling with RA now. I am 48 and it gets worse everyday. My hands, arms and feet. Having it out soon and going to see if it makes a difference.'s the only thing that has changed over the last two years.

    1. Hi Charmaine.
      I had a new Mirena 20th Dec 2016.
      Since then I have had eye/brow nerve twitch. anxiety, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, over a stone weight gain, right hip pain, blurry vision, lack of concentration etc. My doctor has diagnosed Chronic fatigue syndrome. Having read stories from this forum I am wondering if it is the mirena. This is probably my fourth and last mirena and not had these problems before. Any advice would be great. I am in the Uk

  30. Just to post my story & progress: I got the mirena Nov 2011. I had leg swelling and increased blood pressure but I attributed it to just having a baby and being older. By 2013 I started having foot pain, thought it was fascitis. I started having heart palpitations July 2014 By 2015, I had anxiety attacks and I finally crashed in 2016. It started as a funny feeling & twitching in my legs, but went full on to bad neuropathy and muscle twitching that debilitated me. I was exhausted and no longer able to funtion at home, sleeping up to 8 hours during the day. I NEVER made the connection to the iud. Did I mention that I suddenly developed food intolerance to just about everything? The intolerances caused IBS and severe heartburn, eventually liver burning sensations. This year I had my IUD changed because it was expired. From the moment I had it installed it was hell. My legs blew up with severea pitting edema, and my already elevated b/p went even higher. One night I was googling when someone in a forum spoke about the mirena, ms type symptoms and this blog. I made an appointment right away to have it removed, and started the turbo detox the next day. It cost about $500 for the supplements, i followed the diet protocol of the sp cleanse detox. It made a very big difference for me and I am glad I did it. I would call myself 90% better, but I also just finished the detox so I hope to have more improvement as more time goes by. I have mostly good days, with an occasional tired, neuropathy day. I am watching my hormones with an ovacue device and see my hormones are not regulated yet, and when my progesterone falls low I feel worse. The only thing that remians every day is the bottom of my feet hurt. It sounds strange, but the "cleaner" I eat, fhe better it feels. I can only assume that because of what Dr. J says about toxins, that I just cannot handle stuff yet...body just needs to heal. I HOPE it gets better. I recommend methylated b12 for anyone dealing with neuropathy and muscle twitches. In 2015, I could not figure out what was wrong with me but I knew it wasn't MS or ALS, and I felt it was a methylation problem. It has helped tremendously and i am glad to have decreased what I take (4000-5000mg day) down to 1000-2000mg since the detox. I will be trying lions mane, which is a mushroom said to heal neuropathy nerves. Considering I had the IUd for 5 years 7 months, I suppose there is healing to be done with time. Good luck to anyone dealing with this.

    1. Hi! I too have neuro problems, muscle twithing and debilitating fatigue. Can I ask did you do anything to increase your progesterone? I'm thinking of Agnus Castus but almost afraid to take anything. I am also the same about food intolerances. This whole thing is crazy! Jill.

    2. I was going to take herbals known to increase progesterone naturally but I am pregnant now (not careful enough after having the mirena removed! But I haven't felt this good in years) Personally, I feel taking a natural supplement is fine, it is the synthetics that is messing up people. Even with my B12 I will not take synthetics. I am not very far into pregnancy, 5 weeks. I am still having some twitching and mild neuropathy, but I have more energy and am feeling better. I am still angry about this. Somehow, I feel like I will never quite be the same, but I have read on other websites that it could take up to 2 years...but it will happen! It is really difficult to realize the decision to put this thing in cost me years of my life. But we were never warned right? The craziest part of it to me is that this thing is on the market with no warning. There is still a denial that these things are happening. I am glad for this blogger spreading her word. Time seems to be the biggest component to healing but boy is it frustrating. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    3. Thought I would update again. I am currently 6 months post mirena and 4 months pregnant. I still have neruopathy if I don't regularly take b12. Pregnancy exhaustion has set in but I can tell when it's the neuropathy fog versus prego tired. I am still at 90% with the b12. I was hoping for more improvement by now.

    4. I had my baby 7 weeks ago. By the end of my pregnancy, I was 99% improved to the point where I didn't have to take b12. I had such healthy levels of progesterone I had morning sickness the even at 9 months. Unforchunately, for the last week, I have had a resurgence of neuropathy symptoms so it's obvious it isn't over for me. I am on here because I wanted to mention that I had thyroid testing and I am now dx hypothyroid. Upon research, there are a lot who feel mirena caused trouble to their thyroid. If you google, there is a FL lawfirm dealing with mirena/thyriod complaints. I don't know when the hypothroidism began for me, but I had testing before the mirena and it was normal. Just something else for you all to look into.

  31. Hi All,
    I am so glad to have found this website as I am so distraught. I got a Skyla IUD (baby Mirena, same hormone) in January to fix my menstrual problems - and it worked...until I developed a whole host of symptoms almost exactly like Kristi's including muscle jerks, hemiplegic migraine, weakness, extreme fatigue, blurred vision, dizziness, leg pain, head pressure, skin crawling, headaches, and just feeling really unwell and rough in general. It has been two and a half months since removal and it was getting better and better but now it seems to It is so reassuring to find other people in the same boat but it's so distressing that there is such a long road ahead. If anyone is suffering similarly, I would love to get in touch as it is so frightening. I can't work or do anything really except sit and wait! Best of luck to everyone dealing with the fallout from this horrible device...I wish every day I had never gotten it! J x

  32. Hey guys it’s Shauna. in two days I will have had my Mirena for a month and it has been a little over 4 months since I had my daughter. ever since I got it I haven’t stopped bleeding and have had severe back pain. Is it going to get worse or will I be fine? I’m honestly scared reading all of your stories about your lives and hope you are all back to normal and feeling better. I hope my pain doesn’t get worse as time passes. Please give me some feedback Thanks.

  33. You are your best advocate. I don't think anyone could predict if it'll be fine or get worse. If it were me, severe pain and bleeding for 4 months is a sign something isn't right.

  34. Hello guys! I really need to understand how to and what the detox is. I am at a point where every single day waking up is miserable and I'm aware I feel awful and that my life is just passing me by while I'm stuck in this robot like fog. Someone please send me details about this detox. PleSe

  35. Hi everyone,

    I am so glad to have found this website. It helped me make one of the most important decisions of my life – removing the Mirena® IUD!

    I was only on Mirena® for 2 ½ months because the symptoms worsened to the point where suicidal ideation became frighteningly real for me.

    I experienced physical symptoms including abdominal pain, pelvic pain, shoulder pain, body aches, body "zaps", leg cramps, migraines, headaches, dizziness, jaw pain, teeth pain, heart palpitations, skin rashes, weight loss and amenorrhea. I also experienced mental symptoms such as anxiety, depression and insomnia. After one month, I was no longer behaving like my old self. I was unable to cope with daily tasks and responsibilities. I was constantly irritable, moody and nervous. I had daily panic attacks. I would cry over spilled milk. I could barely sleep. I could barely function. I had to quit work. I could not handle staying in my own home. I had to live with my family. I became depressed. I became suicidal. Eventually, I decided to do some research to see just what the heck was going on.

    Luckily, I found this website two months ago. It saved my life.

    Every single doctor reacted with the same anecdote: “Your symptoms can’t be from Mirena®. Here, I’m prescribing you (insert name of antidepressant here) and (insert pain medication here).” (I didn’t end up taking the antidepressants or painkillers). Luckily, I had the device removed by a doctor who listened to my concerns.

    I felt like this device ruined my life – my personality, my relationships, my career and my health. However, I am getting better with a detox and feel almost back to normal. Move over, Mirena®, I’m taking my life back!

    I actually performed research on the Mirena® IUD prior to purchase, but dismissed the potential side effects.

    You know your body better than anyone, listen to it.


    You are not alone. You can do this.

  36. I am another Mirena survivor. I had it in for a year when I had my first ever severe panic attack and bout of anxiety. I am healthy and active, eat right...something didn't make sense. I had to TELL my OB to take it out so I could start from scratch. After lots of research I found a Dr that listened and believed in the terrible side effects of the Mirena. Long story short, get your hormones tested. I did the saliva testing and found that my body flat out stopped making progesterone because it was being synthetically supplied for a year. Progesterone is literally a calming horomone! So, I started the biochemical progesterone (no more synthetic!) And I am feeling much better. I get many of the same symptoms as I have read. These include: dizzy, lightheaded, anxiety, panic, tingly limbs, fatigue, sore joints, you name it. Its worse the week before my period and during.
    I am 5 months post removal. I am better than I was, but I know I have quite a road ahead of me. Fingers crossed that my body starts making its own progesterone soon! Reading blogs like this helps me get through my hard days.
    Thanks to all for being there!

    1. How are you doing now after all this time post removal?

  37. It lessened the heavy periods at least. After almost 2 years I tried to have my mirena removed . And it turns out that it moved. Like I'm not talking implanted in the uterus. I'm talking out off the ball park. After two times without surgery my OB attempted to find it and fish it out. I just came back from my surgery a few hours ago. I'm having deep regrets. The reason I got my mirena was cause mine was covered by local CFS. And they had pushed me to get a birth control. I had tried the pill before. But I am so forgetful it didn't work out. Not to mention I can get migraines from time to time. So I can only have one kind of hormone limiting my options. I too also did tons of research. And I knew what the chances were of it moving were supposedly low. But have seen many claim pain and it happened to them. Yet I just passed those of as dramatized horror story's. They are not. I'm not saying that it horrible completely but they should really regulate these things. I had tried to go to a doctor to get my strings checked and then she didn't even check. Instead she sent me for a blood test and never contacted me. I believe that health providers need to do mandatory string checks on a regular basis. Im confined to my couch for a bit as sleeping in bed is too uncomfortable. Off to the clinic later because it feels like I'm peeing lava. I just wanted to talk to people that get it.

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  40. How are you doing today in 2022?

  41. About a year ago got my IUD removed, can you share your progress now and anything else you recommend for someone in my position? Thank you!
