Okay.... So, let me get this straight....
Before I had my Mirena inserted after my daughter's birth, the Mirena was ONLY to be marketed to women in a monogamous relationship who have had at least one child (for a lower risk of the uterus being unable to handle it/keep it from expelling or perforating the uterus).
THEN I find out that--when the Mirena was first marketed, the doctors were told that it was NOT supposed to be used in nursing mothers because nursing causes the uterus to contract and therefore increase the risk of perforation/damage to the body. I find this interesting considering that it was given to me BECAUSE I was nursing and it was a "safer option" for my baby. Whoopsies, doc.....
THEN I find out, by the time Mirena #2 came into the picture (only 2 1/2 years later) that it went from being marketed to only women who have had at least one children FOR SAFETY REASONS...to now being given to any women who simply wants a lighter period. Hmmmmmmmm.....apparently, the safety issue didn't matter anymore. Convenient....
THEN I find out that the Mirena uses the exact same ingredient for its contraception as THE MORNING AFTER PILL. Something that a woman can take as a one-time "oops" that is strong enough to kill off impending pregnancy is what is consistently dripping into our systems every single day for five years straight? Wow....I'm shocked that this isn't working out well for our health. Oh...hey doc....you forgot to tell me that, too.
THEN I get this article in my inbox (click below):
Mirena--Now for teenage birth control
WHA-WHA-WHAAAAAAAT?????? Something that, only three years ago, was stated as only safe for women in a monogamous relationship who have had at least one child, has then gone to, "Oh, wait....you can have one if you just want your period to be lighter....and now we are at, "Hey...if your teenage girl is having sex, and you think she may not be able to remember to take a pill, put a Mirena in her."
You have GOT to be kidding me.
I remember being a teenage girl. Your hormones are already ALL OVER THE PLACE. I can't even imagine going through the hell that I went through two years ago when I was a teenager.
I read the announcement that it was now to be marketed to teenagers, and--I'm not going to lie--it made me cry.
So great....let's get a bunch of young girls on a birth control that will now make them NOT use any sort of protection that protects against STDs, AND let's put something in them that is making women so sick that they commit suicide or feel like they are going insane. Great....yeah....let's shove one of those in a fifteen-year-old girl. How could that possibly go wrong?
All about the almighty dollar....
What is WRONG with people?????